Sunday, May 13, 2018

Handel in Rome 1706-1710 - Musica antiqua Köln

Handel in Rome
1706 - 1710

Caldara, Handel, Reali, Valentini & Vivaldi

Musica antiqua Köln

Klaus-Dieter Brandt, cello


rec: May 6, 2006, Nikolaikirche, Siegen

mp3 - bitrate: 256 kbps
source: WDR 3 (Cologne) (digital radio)
recorded with harddisc recorder

Antonio CALDARA (1670-1736)

(01) Ciacona for 2 violins and bc in B flat, op. 2,12 [07'42"]

(02) Concerto da camera for cello, 2 violins and bc in a minor [08'08"]

George Frideric HANDEL (1685-1759)

(03) Sonata for 2 violins and bc in g minor (HWV 387) [09'53"]

(04) Sinfonia for 2 violins and bc in B flat (HWV 339) [09'23"]

Giuseppe VALENTINI (1681-1753)

(05) Fantasia for 2 violins and bc in D, op. 3,12 'La Zampogna' [07'39"]

Giovanni Battista REALI (1681-1751)

(06) Sonata for 2 violins and bc in d minor, op. 1,12 'La Folia' [07'54"]

Antonio VIVALDI (1678-1741)

(07) Sonata for 2 violins and bc in d minor, op. 1,12 'La Follia' (RV 63) [09'35"]




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